Wedderburn College is located in the Shire of Loddon in the North Central district of Victoria, approximately 75 kilometres north of Bendigo. Wedderburn is approximately 217 kilometres from Melbourne. The town has a population of 800 people of whom approximately 200 live on town boundary farms. Students are drawn from the small communities of Korong Vale, Borung and Inglewood.
We are F-12 school with an enrolment of approximately 209 students.
Central to the strategic direction of Wedderburn College is the development and wellbeing of every student academically, socially and emotionally. Our staff are passionate that positive relationships are the foundation of strong learning experiences in every classroom, with each student. Our College has a whole school focus on improving the literacy and numeracy of students and on developing a curriculum that is relevant for students in the 21st century.
Wedderburn is a welcoming and vibrant community and the school is occupies a significant space in our community identity. Wedderburn is known as ‘The Goldseekers Town’, after gold was discovered here in 1872. Gold is still found in Wedderburn today and many prospectors visit the area each year. We have a vibrant Football, Netball and Hockey club and over fifty active community groups. With beautiful Mount Korong and the Kooyora National Park close by, bushwalking, camping, birdwatching and being in nature are popular pastimes.
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