Students at Wedderburn College can choose between two senior pathways. They can study for the Victorian Certificate of Educations (VCE) or the Victorian certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL)
Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)
Year 11 and 12 – VCE
Students select from the full range of VCE units. In addition to face to face delivery, the College also offers Video Conferencing, Virtual Learning School and Victorian Virtual Learning Network (Bendigo). All units are 250 minutes per week. Student also have the opportunity to continue with their VET certificate that they commence in Year 10.
The Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) is a two-year certificate based around the successful completion of senior secondary school. The VCE provides pathways to further study at university, TAFE and to the world of work.
Each VCE unit includes a set of outcomes as defined by the VCAA. Students must demonstrate satisfactory understanding of each outcome to achieve a satisfactory completion of a VCE unit. Understanding each outcome can be demonstrated through formal assessment tasks (SACs and SATs) and through ongoing coursework completed during class.
To achieve their VCE, students must satisfy the VCAA requirements for ‘satisfactory completion’ of the VCE. To do this, students must:
- Satisfactorily complete at least 3 units from the English group, including a Unit 3 and 4 sequence.
- Satisfactorily complete a minimum of 16 units in total across the 2 years of VCE.
- Satisfactorily complete three sequences of Units 3 and 4 studies in addition to the sequence chosen from the English group.
Subject Choice
The College offers a broad range of subjects for students to choose from, and if the occasion arises where the College may not be able to provide students with their subject choice, we can organise access through our local collaborative arrangements either with the North Central Cluster of Schools through shared video-conferencing arrangements, through the Victorian Virtual Learning Network (VVLN), Virtual Schools Victoria (VSV) or through the Victorian School of Languages (VSL).
Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL)
Year 11 and 12 – VCAL
Student complete the 4 key units (Literacy, Numeracy, Personal Development, Work Related Skills) of VCAL at the College. Students are present on site on Monday, Tuesday and Fridays to complete these units. Wednesday is the work placement day and Thursday is their VET Certificate day in Charlton.
The Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) is a ‘hands-on’ senior secondary certificate for students in Year 11 and 12. VCAL gives students practical, work-related experience, as well as literacy and numeracy skills, and the opportunity to build personal development skills that are important for both life and work. Entry to the VCAL program at Year 11 is via an application process of written application and interview.
VCAL is accredited at three levels:
- Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (Foundation)
- Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (Intermediate)
- Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (Senior)
The three qualification levels cater for a range of students with different abilities and interests. It also provides for a progression of skills, knowledge and attitudinal development.
The focus is on knowledge and employability skills development, supported by a strong emphasis on literacy and numeracy skills and preparatory learning.
Students enrol in a VCAL learning program at the level that matches their skills and abilities.
A typical example may be a student starting at Foundation or Intermediate level in Year 11.
Foundation Level – Year 11
At Foundation level, knowledge and employability skills development is supported by a strong emphasis on literacy and numeracy skills and preparatory learning. The demonstration of knowledge and skills, which can apply directly to the workplace or further training, is also important.
Intermediate Level – Year 11
The focus is on knowledge and employability skills development that leads to independent learning, confidence and a higher level of transferable skills. The demonstration of knowledge and skills, which can apply directly to the workplace or further training, is also important.
Senior Level – Year 12
At Senior level, knowledge and employability skills development leads to a high level of interpersonal skills, independent action and achievement of tasks that require decision-making and leadership. The demonstration of knowledge and skills, which can apply directly to the workplace or further training, is critical.
Apprenticeships & Traineeships
Both VCE and VCAL students have the opportunity to commence an apprenticeship/traineeship if desired. The college works with the employer and student to
ensure all conditions and guidelines for employment and education are met.
Wedderburn College has access to the DET Headstart Program which allows Year 12 students to spend more time in the workplace while completing their studies until Year 12.